Monday, January 23, 2012

Unaweza Kupata Mapenzi Ya Kudumu Vitu unavyo tamani vinakuambia nini?

The perfect partner

In old-fashioned romance, young lovers would let go of reality and let their dreams run wild. Not surprisingly, though they were often not religious people, they found themselves using religious words to describe their hopes and feelings:

    * She idolizes him 
    * He adores her (adore is another word for worship) 
    * You’re divine  
    * He’s heavenly 
    * He worships the ground she walks on 
    * A marriage made in heaven
As these people discovered, hidden below the surface of our mind is the awareness that religion and the greatest love we could wish for, somehow belong together.
The ache deep within you will remain until you enjoy a thrilling and fulfilling oneness with the One who made you. God is the perfect partner you yearn for. Yet his very perfection makes him unapproachable. The Almighty is frighteningly pure, totally good, completely without fault. We are not. God is so perfect, he is like blinding light. We are like darkness compared to him. And darkness is destroyed in the presence of light.

Back to reality

We come crashing back to reality. There is an answer, but to appreciate how wonderful the answer is, we must consider the size of the problem. Facing the problem is so unpleasant that we want to block it out, like people in a dark prison suddenly seeing bright sunlight. Yet facing truth will free you like nothing else can.
If we went into a hospital and met a doctor sterilized for surgery, he could not touch us. We may seem clean, but not by the standards he must keep. We are like that in the presence of the holy Lord. We may be as good as the next person, but by the unreachable perfection of his standards we are moral lepers – spiritually diseased. God must keep his distance.
That seems an over-reaction. Being surrounded by imperfection all our lives has clouded our ability to see ourselves clearly. Deep down we suspect the worst but we run from it like people refusing cancer checks, even though early treatment brings life, not death.
Part of us feels good when we hear of a terrible crime that we would never do. And we take secret pleasure at discovering the moral failures of people who had seemed to be good. It is not unkindness that drives us to feel this way, so much as a desperate attempt to drown the screams of our own dirty conscience. We try to fill our lives with endless activity so that we do not have to think of it, yet deep down we know we stand guilty in the presence of a holy God. Even when we think we have pushed it out of our minds, it controls us more than we realize. One way to ease guilt feelings is to find fault with anyone who might give the appearance of living a better life than us. So we find fault, seldom realizing why we do it. Some of us get so desperate as to even try accusing God of doing wrong. If only we could muddy his name, we could feel better about our own failures.
We reject God’s laws, hurt each other, and then have the cheek to blame God for the mess. ‘Why do the innocent suffer?’ we complain, conveniently forgetting the times our anger, greed and lies have hurt the innocent. Of course, there is an amount of hurt we say is not so bad, and the hurt we have caused just happens to be the sort of thing we say is not too bad. It is like failing a test at school and then moving the pass mark to make our own score look good. A holy God could play no part in such dishonesty.
If God is a God of love, why does he allow all the evil in this world? For anyone not blinded by his/her own hypocrisy, the reason is obvious. God longs to destroy all evil, and the time is fast approaching when he will (2 Peter 3:9-13). But how, without being totally unfair, could he do this without destroying you and me?
(Don’t worry! This story has a happy ending! There are rich rewards for those with the courage to face facts we inwardly know to be true. God can make us more beautiful than we dare dream. So we have no need to act like burn patients smashing mirrors.)

Becoming beautiful

Should we change and never so much as think another wrong thought, it wouldn’t help. If having sex made you sick with AIDS, deciding to never again have sex will not heal you. Having sin in our past is like having AIDS in our blood. No-one can change the past.
Some things would be wrong for God to do. Consider a man in court found guilty of dangerous driving. The judge happens to be his close friend. Would it be right for the judge to say his guilty friend is innocent? Or could he fine the offender less because he is his friend? Only a worthless judge could permit law-breaking or show favoritism.
And God is our Judge, because there is no such freak as a self-made person. None of us decided to be born, or can even design our children’s fingerprints. God made the brains we think with. The Lord is maker – and therefore owner – of everything we have ever used or abused. We owe him everything. Like it or not, that means we must answer to God for our every action. Our selfishness has hurt people. It would be an outrage for the Supreme Judge to ignore our wrongdoing. We’re the ones who bellow at God when we see other people do wrong and go unpunished. So although God loves you more than words can describe, he must declare you guilty. And justice demands the penalty be paid.
That leaves just two alternatives. Either you pay the penalty, or someone pays it for you.
It would be folly for me to consider taking your punishment. I have my own wickedness to answer for. But the Son of God, two thousand years ago, left his heavenly judgment seat and came to earth. He became the only human who has lived a perfect life. In the brightness of his purity, our best attempts at doing good look like mud. So when Christ willingly suffered the pain and shame of a criminal’s death, something of earth-shaking importance was happening. The innocent Son of God was taking upon himself full blame for your sin.
Physical torment was almost swallowed by spiritual agony. On the cross the only person who has enjoyed eternal oneness with God cried, ‘My God, why have you abandoned me?’ Father God had to desert his beloved Son, treating him as the worst person on earth, until the horrific penalty was paid in full. After suffering the full penalty of our wickedness, Christ broke through to life again, blasting a path for us to follow.
You are the focus of this heart-stopping display of love, the greatest love the universe has known. Will you continue to reject it?

Enjoy the greatest love affair

By dying in our place Jesus has made it legal for anyone, though guilty, to go completely free. But there is something you must do before you can walk free.
To be friends with the Lord of the universe; to have God’s power flowing through you; to reach the heights you were made for, requires a response from you. To explain, let’s return to the dangerous driver.
A judge would have to fine his friend for breaking the law. It is quite legal, however, to offer a friend money to pay the fine. It is then up to the offender whether he accepts the judge’s gift.
It would break Jesus’ heart if you ignore his offer to suffer for you. That means you must pay the penalty yourself. That’s the last thing he wants. God is anxious to save you from the horrors of hell and give you a fulfilling, life-changing partnership with him. But you must accept the gift. That involves admitting that you need the gift – that only Jesus’ sacrifice can remove your guilt.
There is one more consideration. What if the dangerous driver has no regrets? If he plans to continue breaking road rules, he is a danger to others. It would be wrong to let him go free.
Similarly, it would be wrong for God to forgive us until our attitude to sin has changed.
I tremble at the thought of the countless thousands of people who have tragically missed this point. A second picture will confirm its importance.
You are trapped in a sea of sin. Bottomless waters lap towering cliffs. No one can tread water forever. The depths terrify you, except for one spot. You have found a place where the deadly waters seem nice. How can anyone take seriously your cries for help if you are splashing around enjoying yourself? And what is the point of saving someone who is hell-bent on diving back into the deadly sea after every rescue attempt? No one with a suicidal commitment to a sin can be saved.
This doesn’t mean you must start living a sinless life to enjoy forgiveness. We are in sin’s death grip. Only Jesus can break it. But do you want him to? Do you want to be rid forever of your favorite sin?
God honors us by respecting our wishes. If we don’t want him to be our God – letting him be in total control of our lives – it saddens and horrifies him, but in his gentleness he will let us go our own way. No one has suffered the pain of rejected love like God.
You can never be forced to love someone. Nor can you be forced to desire purity of heart. The Giver has done all he can. It’s over to you.
To ignore our Creator is the height of selfishness. He is the Source of every good thing we ever enjoyed. (Even sin’s fizzle of pleasure, that slippery shadow of the real thing grabbed while opposing him, is possible only because of our God-given ability to experience pleasure.) Every wonderful thing we take for granted comes from him. He even holds our atoms together. He looks after even those who ignore him, giving them time after time to respond to his astounding love. They don’t want God to interfere, but he does anyhow – showering them with a thousand soft, warm, beautiful, delicious, refreshing, thrilling and uplifting gifts. At death, however, those who on earth wanted to be free from God are finally given their wish. That’s the final horror. To be cut off forever from the Source of all love, beauty, fulfillment and joy is something too terrifying to think about.
If you want to be finished with ungodly ‘pleasures’, however, and you rely on the fact that Jesus died for your sins, you allow God to do what he longs to do – pay your debt to justice and credit to your account the moral perfection of Christ. That makes you so pure in God’s eyes that you need no longer be kept out of his presence. You can then begin an endless friendship with the most wonderful Person in the universe.

Kupata Mchumba Kamili

Watu wengi wenye sifa duniani hawajawahi kupata mapenzi ya kudumu. Kesi yako inaweza kuwa tofauti.
Inaonekana kwamba ndani yetu kuna nafasi kubwa ambayo haiwezi kujazwa na wachumba mia. Hata hivyo kuna tumaini. Ndoto lako linaweza kutimizwa.

Thubutu kufikiri

Mwanamke anafaa kupendeza kiwango gani kumfanya asitke upendo tena? Mwanaume anahitaji kuona vipusa wangapi uchi kabla ya kujisikia kama anapendwa? Kila kitu ndani yetu inalilia upendo! Sote tunatafuta upendo, hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuchukua nafasi ya upendo. Wanasayansi na madaktari wamethibitisha kwamba watu wanaofuata umalaya, na aina za ngono zisizo kawaida huwa wanatafuta upendo wa kweli.
Hata hivyo kupata upendo ni jambo tata.
Sura mzuri hunyauka. Mchumba hugeuka. Ndoa inaweza kuvunjika mkeo/mumeo akifa. Na uchungu utakayo hisi huzidi kama upendo kati yenyu ni kubwa zaidi.
Ukweli kwa wengi hutisha sana, lakini matarajio yetu huwa hazishikiki! Matakwa yetu ya ndani kabisa huonekana kuwa mbali sana hadi sisi hujaribu kuvikana. Kana usikane, kubali ukatae matarajio yetu hubaki ndani yetu.
Kwa muda mfupi tu, hebu tazama matarajio yako...usijali ugumu wa kuzipokea. Angalia matarijio yako, ona kile zinakuambia.
Unamtaka mtu ambaye:
    * atafanya usikie kama umeheshimika
    * anakuamini na unamuamini
    * hamna siri kati yenyu
Kwa ndani unatamani mtu mwenye:
    * werevu, nguvu, uzuri usionyauka hata akizeeka 
    * anajua yote ambayo umepitia maishani na hata alikuwa na wewe
    * atakuelewa kabisa kila wakati
Unamtaka mpenzi yule:
    * atatimiza mahitaji yako kikamili, yani ni kama mliumbwa muwe pamoja 
    * anasikia uchungu na wewe na anweza kukusaidia hata kuharibike vipi
    * anajuauovu wako, fikira zako na bado anakupenda na anakuheshimu
    * anaweza kuwa na wewe mahali popote wakati unamhitaji
    * atakupenda daima na mapenzi kuu yenye kukufurahisha na kukutosheleza 
    * anakusaidia kila wakati na kukuwezesha kufanya makuu
Unahitaji mtu atakaye kusaidia kila wakati, lakini anakupatia nafasi ya kukuwa kibinafsi; mtu ambaye hatakuchosha, na ambaye hatawahi kugueka.
Mwishowe, liwe liwalo, unataka kuwa huru kutokana na uwoga wa kumpoteza mpenzi wako. Unataka mpenzi ambaye hata wahi kugonjeka, kulemaa au kufa.
Ninayosema inaonekana kama upumbavu!
Mpenzi kama huyo ni mungu! Si mwanadamu. Mungu anaonekana kwa mbali tu. Kumfikiria Mungu kama mpenzi ni ujinga maradufu.
Ujinga? Ni mengi hatujui kwa hivyo chochote cha wezekana ulimweguni – hata Mungu anayeweza kutushangaza na kukaribia maisha yetu. Kama kuna Muumba Mwerevu aliyeumba yote, kwa nini akatupatia mahitaji makuu ya upendo ndani yetu? Kwani Mungu anatukejeli, anatupatia tumaini tupu za upendo kamili na timilifu akijua hatutawai kupata upendo kama huo! Je? Kuna uwezekano kwamba Mungu anataka kutupatia upendo huo timilfu. Labda Mungu anaonekana kuwa mbali na mgumu kwa ajili haumjui vema. Kama Mola Mungu hawezi kuhisi au kupenda au kuongea basi sisi ni wakuu kumliko yeye mwenye kutuumba. Haiwezekani! Kama tunauwezo huo, basi Mungu anauwezo huo na hata zaidi. Mungu yu mwema.
Lakini unaweza kuuliza, kwa nini Mungu hataki nifurahie na niburudike! Labda ni dhambi ndiyo haitaki ufurahi – dhambi inakuahidi makuu halafu inakutilia mbali na mzigo wa uchungu, ugonjwa, ufukara, kufungwa jela, mimba, kukataliwa. Uliza watu ambao wamevunjwa na kuumizwa na dhambi za watu wengine – kwa mfano wat walioibiwa, waliopigwa, walinajisiwa, waliotukanwa na kufukuzwa na wachumba wao. Dhambi pia imewafunga wengine hadi hawawezi kuwacha tabia ambazo walipenda kufanya lakini sasa hawapendi tena. Tabia kama kunywa, kudanganya, kuvuta sigara, kupigana. Waulize hawa watu kama kweli Mungu anawatakia au hawatakii furaha.
Labda unadhani Mungu hapendezi na hajui fashoni. Unahakika? Mungu Muumba anaweza yote – anaweza kufanya mambo mazuri ambayo yanatupiga na butwaa! Bila shaka maisha itakuwa shwari kama tumependana na huyu Mpenzi ambaye atatushangaza na mazuri yakutushangaza!
Huyu Mpenzi mwenye urafiki usio na kifani na nguvu bila mwisho ndiye anayeweza kujaza ufa ulio ndani yetu. Huyu ndiye Mpenzi sote tunatafuta.
Labda utasema unahitaji mtu Mpenzi ambaye unaweza kuguza. Mungu anajua yote unayo hitaji.

Mapenzi Makuu

Unapendwa kabisa. Watu wengine waweza kukuona kama mmoja kati ya maelfu, lakini si hivyo na Huyu Aliyekuumba. Mbele zake Huyu ambaye pekee anastahili, wewe unathamani. Kwake wewe unathamani sana hadi Mungu anakutakia ndoa isiyo na hitilafu kamwe.
Kumwamini mtu haimanishi mnapendana. Pia kumwamini Mungu hitiruhusu kuishi na Mungu. Kuenda kanisani haitoshi. Ndoa kamilifu hufanyika wakati mmeaminiana vikamilifu hadi unampa yote ulionayo na yote uliyo. Mungu akatayri kukupatia yote alionayo na yote alio, lakini ili ndoa itendeke, lazima kuwe na makubaliano.
Tuseme msichana fukara aolewe na tajiri milionea. mara moja, atapokea utajiri, na tajiri atapokea madeni ya mkeo. Tajiri atpokea aibu ya fukara, na Fukara atapokea heshima ya Tajiri. Mambo haya hayatatendeka hadi msichana huyu aseme hatafuata mume mwingine ila huyu tajiri, na aoelewe naye. Msichana akisha wacha yote na kumpa tajiri yote, tajiri atampa yake yote pia.
Vile vile tukimpa Mungu yote – maisha yetu, muda wetu, marafiki, mali yetu – yeye pia atatujaza na vifurushi vyake. Tukimpa Yesu yote tuliyotenda, hata dhambi ovu tunayopenda kutenda. Atachukua yote. Kwa hakika ni maovu yetu yaliyo msulubisha. Hivyo basi, Yesu anatupatia utakatifu wake. Kwa huo utakatifu tunaweza kupata urafiki wa ndani na Mungu Muumba wetu.
Kwa vile tumeunganishwa na Mungu, tumempa haki ya kufanya lolote atakalo na yale tuliyompa. Pia Yeye Mwenya dunia anatupatia urithi wake. Tumempa uwezo wetu, ametupatia uwezo wake kamilifu; tumempa upungufu wetu, ametupa hekima yake. Tumempa muda wetu mfupi duniani, ametupa maisha isiyo na mwisho.
Kwa kweli unapata faida ukimkubali Mungu. Hata ingawa Mungu anaonekana kupoteza, Yeye anakupenda sana. Anataka kuungana na wewe kwa hamu sana, tafadhali usimkatae.

Ndoa Kutoka Mbinguni

Hapa chini kuna mfano wa harusi ukijiachilia kwake Mungu, ukmkibali kama Bwana. Ukifanya hivyo Mungu, Mfalme wa Wafalme, pia anakupa fursa kuungana na yeye kikamilifu. Ukitamani haya, omba ombi hili kwake Bwana.
Mpendwa Mungu,
Nasikitika kwa vile nimekuwa mwovu. Ingawa nimekuhuzunisha, ulimtuma Mwana wako akafa kwa ajili yangu. Yesu alishinda kifo kuniwezesha kuwa mwana wako pia, ni kama sikukukosea kamwe.
Umejipatia kwangu, umenipa upendo wako wote, mimipia ninakupa yote niliyo nayo ili nikutukuze. Nakukubali kama Bwana wangu leo. Nitakupenda, nitakuheshimu na nitakutii. Ninakubali kuongozwa nawe, ninakubali kulindwa nawe. Nakupa dhambi zangu, hata dhambi ambazo ninapenda kutenda. Nakubali msamaha na utakatifu wako, Nakubali nguvu zako kunisaidia kuishi maisha tukufu za kukusifu.
Ahsante kwa vile tumeanza urafiki wa ndani na weya nguve na hata kifo hakitaweza kututenganisha.
Mungu wa mbingu na dunia anajua fikira zako. Ukiwa umeomba ombi hili kwa kumaanisha, umeingia katika eneo mpya kiroho. Amini usiamini, hata kama vitu vinaonekana sawa kama kawaida, Mbinguni mambo yamegeuka. Ndoa ambayo itakegueza maisha yako imeanza.
Thibitisho la ndoa hili si hisia zako (furaha / huzuni), thibitisho ni Wema wa Mungu. Mungu ametupatia Neno lake (Bibilia), amesema kwamba yeyote atakayemkimbilia Yesu, atasafishwa kutoka kwa dhambi zake na atapewa mwelekeo mpya. Mungu si mwongo, hadanganyi. 

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