Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Women Love Money

Money, fame and power are the things that most women put above looks when it comes to attraction, but the average man can easily demonstrate these things even if he isn't rich or famous.
Let me explain what I mean by that. Take money, for example, what is it about money that REALLY attracts women? Is it the physical paper cash? Of course not. Money in its “physical" form is useless. It is what money CAN DO that makes it important in modern human life.
So if you took two guys, exactly the same in level of wealth, one guy dresses in a t-shirt and jeans, the other guy wears exactly the same thing and it costs exactly the same amount of money but the t-shirt has a very interesting design and the jeans is a very attractive colour compared to the first guy. Who do you think will probably attract more women? If you guessed the second, I agree with you. Why? Because on average women are attracted to things like “style" in clothing.
A trendy looking guy will probably come across as more attractive, even if he has not got as much money as another man. It is how this guy has USED his money that makes the difference so that when women see him, they would imagine that because he is stylish, he probably has class. She is really attracted to the “material" aspect of the wealth and not just raw wealth for wealth's sake. So when I say that the things that attract women can be demonstrated by an average man with an average income, that is one simple example.
Power is another interesting one. You might think that only top businessmen and global leading politicians will be able to demonstrate Power to a woman. Again, let's strip down what exactly about the concept of power sets women's hearts racing.
When women are drawn to very powerful men, what are they really drawn to? Is it the fact that the businessman has a large office and wears a suit? Well, it is really because this man has control over a lot of people because of his rank in the business and society in general. In other words, he is of a very high STATUS. This feeling that the woman gets is biological and goes back to how we evolved as humans. The alpha male of prehistoric times always got all the women because he could protect and take care of the woman, defend her against danger and provide for her and their children. Women still run those ancient psychological and biological scripts to this day because according to scientists and anthropologists, our brain development has not matched the pace of change of our modern environment.
So if the woman is attracted to the powerful man because others look to him for instruction about what to do, then even an average man can demonstrate this easily. For example, in a “small league" football team, the captain barking out orders on the field to the players can project that same image of power to a woman who's watching. Why do you think women love men in uniform? It projects an image of power. You might say you don't operate in any of those settings but do you know that something as simple as appearing to be the leader of a small bunch of your friends on a boys’ night out will even get girls looking across because they can't help but be drawn to a display of “leadership" from a man among his own peer group.
My my my

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